Pet Sitting

Whether you have to leave your Boston Terrier for a weekend trip to Boston or your Chihuahua must stay behind while you take an extended vacation to Chihuahua, Mexico…let Wagg'nPurr Pet Sitters give you peace of mind with the care of your furry family.

Pet Sitting by Wagg’nPurr allows you to keep your pets on their normal daily schedule, which reduces their stress … and yours. We can customize our daily visits to meet your furry baby’s individual needs. For example, your pooch might benefit from an Extended Visit in the morning to get in a short walk and feeding. Then mid-day, we’ll come back for a Pop-in Potty Break. And finally to help the little guy relax in the evening, we’ll stop in for a Regular Visit to get in one last potty break, feeding and a good-night kiss and snuggle. But that’s just one way you can customize our offerings to work for your furry kiddo. 

For the comfort and health of the canines in our care, we must require a minimum of 3 visits daily unless a doggy door is available.  No one likes to hold it for 12 hours!

We offer three, time-based options to meet your pet’s every need! Each one offers more one-on-one quality time with your pet’s sitter.  Call now and let us help you customize a daily schedule.

Regular Visit              30 minutes              $29.00

Great for one-to-two pet homes. 30 minute visit includes feeding, fresh water, potty time, playing, hugs and a kiss or two. Home Security features included.*

Extended/Multiple Pets Visit              45 minutes              $34.00

Ideal for three or more pets, or special needs pets. 45 minute visit includes feeding, fresh water, potty time, playing, hugs and multiple kisses. Home Security features included.*

Pop-in Potty Break             15 minutes             $24.00

Short visit for quick turnout or potty break. 15 minutes with fresh water and one kiss.☺ 

*Home Security features include collecting the mail and newspaper, bringing in/taking out the trash and recycling, opening and closing blinds, and turning on and off lights to help deter cat burglars (or any unwanted visitors). 

*Booking or cancelling within 24 hours will incur a charge to compensate for the sitter's schedule change.


A holiday surcharge may apply.



Are you Ready?

We offer a complimentary* consultation where we will get acquainted with your individual pets, discuss your pets' routine, answer questions, transfer keys and tour your home while discussing detailed instructions on how to care for your pets.